About Us
We are committed to helping our clients successfully navigate local laws in the context of the global legal environment. Our focus countries are India, Germany, Italy and Kenya. Our team has been supporting clients from all over Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America for over 25 years. We have a network of lawyers and consultants with a strong civil and criminal law practice in both private and commercial law. Read more….
Insights & Analysis
The Interplay between the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Indian Stamp Act, 1899
The interplay between the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 has been a subject of legal ambiguity, particularly regarding the enforceability of arbitration agreements in unstamped or insufficiently stamped contracts. The Supreme Court’s recent decision in In Re: Interplay Between Arbitration Agreements under the Arbitration And Conciliation Act 1996 And The Indian Stamp Act 1899 has provided clarity by harmonizing these statutes. The Court ruled that non-stamping does not render arbitration agreements void ab initio but only inadmissible as evidence until stamp duty is cured, ensuring such defects are curable under law.
Erosion of Tax sovereignty – India’s Challenges at the WTO
Globalisation has resulted in an increased interdependence in the economies of countries worldwide. Such interdependence has left the smaller economies at the behest of leading powers at organisations such as the WTO, which were otherwise aimed at creating a level playing field. A clear global North-South divide renders LDCs and the South in general, at a disadvantage in any transactions that follow from WTO regimes. India has yet to establish a strong foothold as an emerging global power at the WTO, with the US currently slow-strangling the organisation.
Landmark Judgments on Disability Rights in India
On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we list down the judgments that defined the jurisprudence on disability rights in India.
Willkommen zu “Kunst und Recht” – dem Podcast, der die faszinierende Welt der Kunst mit den komplexen Aspekten des Rechts verbindet.
In jeder Episode tauchen wir tief in die spannenden Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst und Gesetz ein. Von der Kunstfreiheit und Urheberrechten bis hin zu Fälschungen und Restitution – wir beleuchten die rechtlichen Herausforderungen und Geschichten, die hinter den Kulissen der Kunstwelt lauern. Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser Reise und entdecken Sie, wie Recht und Kunst miteinander verwoben sind.
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Commercial law
Transparency and accountability are a major challenge when working across borders. We ensure that our clients have solid corporate structures and that their businesses enjoy the full protection of the law, whether to protect them from private corruption or to prevent unscrupulous distributors from taking advantage of them.